Hongluo Temple

The Hongluo Temple, located at the south foot of Hongluo Mountain in Huairou District, was first built in 378, and expanded during the climax of the Tang Dynasty. Its original name is Darning Temple or Huguo Temple. However, the name of Hongluo Temple is more commonly known. As a Buddhist holly land, the Hongluo Temple is crowned as the No.1 Ancient Temple in North Beijing.

Built against the Hongluo Mountain in the north, the Hongluo Temple faces the Hongluo Lake in the south. In front of the lake is the Phoenix Mountain. Green Dragon Mountain and White Tiger Mountain stand erect respectively in the east and west. The temple hides in the deep mountains, where one can also appreciate 'Bamboo Forest', 'Male and Female Gingko Trees', and 'Ancient Pines'. In the beautiful Hongluo Temple Tourist Resort, there are six attractions, i.e. Hongluo Mountain, Hongluo Temple, Guanyin Temple, Chengxiu Garden, Pines Garden and Caizhai Garden. It is a state 4A scenic attraction spot.